News & Events

Please use this section of the website to find information about important news regarding mangrove ecosystems and wetlands, in addition any recent activity or events that might be of interest.

( NEW )

New Kenya Mangrove Training Course Launch

In an effort to expand the geographical reach of the successful UNU-INWEH-supported training course on mangrove ecosystems held in India every year since 2004, the course is now being piloted in Kenya this fall to 20 participants from the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Region. Together with partners from Kenya, UNU-INWEH has succeeded in securing a grant from the Western Indian Ocean Marine Sciences Association (WIOMSA) through its Marine Science for Management (MASMA) programme to conduct this 11 day regional training course at the University of Nairobifield research facility in Diani, Kenya (2-12 December 2013).

Mangrove forests provide an array of ecosystem goods and services which support the livelihoods of millions of people in the WIO region. The course is intended to strengthen the knowledge and capacity of coastal managers, academics, professionals, and institutions that work with mangroves.

It has four main objectives:

(1) To reinforce and increase the capacity of young professionals, academics, park rangers, managers and institutions in the WIO region to undertake characterization, monitoring, risk assessment, management and restoration of critical mangrove ecosystems;

(2) To increase the awareness of the ecological roles, economic importance, and cultural significance of mangrove ecosystems;

(3) To understand the impact of climate change and associated anthropogenic pressures on mangrove ecosystems and opportunities thereof; and,

(4) To promote and encourage sharing of knowledge and experiences. Participants should have a Bachelors level education or comparable experience in management agency or NGO context.

For more information on the course and applications visist;


Blue Climate Solutions

The worlds oceans are critically important to our weather and the climate. Covering roughly 70% of the Earths surface, they represent the largest active carbon sink, mitigating the effects of climate change through the absorption of our carbon emissions. Mangroves, marshlands, and seagrass meadows are recognized as important natural carbon sinks. the conservation of these ecosystems is important if we wish to mitigate the effects of climate change and save our planet.

Blue carbon solutions is a non-profit that strives to promote the conservation of the worlds oceans as a means to a solution on climate change. Through advancement of policies that promote the roles coastal and ocean ecosystems play as natural carbon sinks, including the conservation of ecosystems such as sea grass meadows, mangrove swamps, and salt marshes. Blue carbon solutions also promotes the further exploration of the roles that natural ocean ecosystems play in mitigating the effects of climate change through marine scientific research.

For more information on this organization, or to check out some of the resources they have available, visit; Blue Carbon Solutions

Also check out their blog which contains updates on carbon and ocean conservation initiatives and research; Blue Carbon Blog

Fully Funded Fellowship Opportunity; United Nations / Nippon Foundation Ocean Affairs Fellowship

The United Nations – The Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Programme is a fully funded research Fellowship for developing State ocean professionals. The main objective of the Fellowship is to provide advanced research and training in the field of ocean affairs and the law of the sea, and related disciplines, to government officials and other professionals from developing States.

Successful candidates will undertake their research/studies in two back-to-back phases: the first, lasting three months, with the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS), UN Office of Legal Affairs; and the second, lasting six months, with a participating academic host institution. Fellowship application deadline is 15 September, and candidates should forward their applications directly to DOALOS.

Additional information, including the application package, detailed application instructions, and a list of participating host institutions, is available on the Fellowship website: and

Mangroves - National Geographic

Check out this interesting piece on Mangroves by the National Geographic. Looking at a variety of aspects - from the many benefits to land, environment  and humans that Mangroves provide to the changing environment and impact of human activity on the Mangrove ecosystem, - this article provides a good breadth on Mangroves in the current world.


13th International Course On Mangrove Ecosystems

The 13th International Course on Mangrove Ecosystems will be held from the 23rd of September to the 7th of October, 2013. This course aims to build the capacity of professionals and institutions in developing countries to undertake monitoring, research and conservation of mangrove forests. This is achieved through training in the scientific methodology and teaching of latest research work on related subjects. A secondary objective is to create a network of professionals working with mangroves.

For More information on the course visit; International Course on Mangrove Ecosystems Website
To Apply for a position visit; Course Application Site


World Water Day 2013 - Water & Biodiversity

World Water Day is internationally celebrated annually on the 22nd of May in order to “focus attention on the importance of freshwater and advocate for sustainable management of water cooperation.”

Water is essential to all forms of life and vital for the survival of any human being. UNESCO Statistics show that nearly 783 million people have no access to clean drinking water and nearly 2.5 billion are without adequate sanitation.  85% of the worlds’ population also resides in the direst half of the planet. 6 to 8 million people die annually from water related causes; natural disasters, droughts, scarcity, unavailability, etc. In a world where population levels are rapidly on the rise and climate change is occurring at an ever increasing pace, the need to manage our water resources is of the utmost importance.

This year, in honor of 2013 International Year of Water Cooperation, Water & Biodiversity has been announced as the official theme for World Water Day 2013. Water & Biodiversity aims to promote global celebrations and help raise awareness on critical issues facing water management.

Read more and get involved!!

Water and Diversity is not only limited to the management of our freshwater resources. One of the highest areas of biodiversity lies in the oceans and the coastlines that are covered in environments that provide plentiful food, protection, and act as nurseries for marine and freshwater wildlife. The Mangrove Forests of the world act as such environments and contain high levels of biodiversity. Furthermore, they have both direct and indirect benefits to humans. Acting as carbon sinks they are able to sequester carbon away from the atmosphere. Mangrove forests also provide sustenance as well as protection against coastal erosion, flooding, and storms. Unfortunately, in recent decades nearly all regions have experienced extensive loss in mangrove forests and many that are still surviving are thought to be degraded.

The conservation and restoration of such coastal areas plays an important part in the overarching theme of this year’s World Water Day, Water and Biodiversity. 


Blue Carbon Initiative Launches New Website


Ripple Marks, The Story Behind the Story 

The Forgotten Forests: Mangroves’ Future Hangs in the Balance Between Land and Sea

By Cheryl Lyn Dybas

Download here


-1st Guyana Mangrove Forum-

Restoring and Managing Mangrove Ecosystems in a changing world 

Georgetown, Guyana
11-13 April 2013


Raising Awareness

Featured Film - Mangroves - Guardians of the Coast 

The Impact of Climate Change - Kaafa ge Vaahaka: Grandpa's Story



Integrated Coastal Management 

Post Graduate Certificate Course

Bangkok, Thailand 

January 21st to March 1, 2013


World Wetlands Day on February 2nd
Theme: Wetlands & Water Management


TNC Reports on the Important Roles of Mangroves


Marathon for Mangroves  

The Condura Skyway Marathon
Run for the Mangroves


                                                   Press Release

Reflections on the CBD COP 11 outcomes 
 Hyderabad, India


Policy Brief: Securing the
Future of Mangroves


Applications now closed for the 2012

 International Training Course on
Mangrove Biodiversity and Ecosystems


Run for the Mangroves
5th February 2012

A marathon to help preserve mangroves and marine environments...


World Wetlands Day - 2nd February 2012

World Wetlands Day has been held on February 2nd every year
since 1997, and it marks the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands
that occurred in the Iranian city of Ramsar on February 2nd, 1971.

Read more

MFF India is pleased to announce the release of "Guardians of the Coast"

Stunning footage from above and below the waterline, primarily
in the states of Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and West Bengal, to capture
the fascinating webof-life that relies on mangrove forests.

Please contact MFF India for a copy, or it will soon
be available on the MFF homepage or YouTube

Oceans Day at Durban
17th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC
3rd December 2011


Degraded coastal wetlands contribute
to climate change

Read more


Mangroves may get growth
spurt from Queensland floods


The World Atlas of Mangroves

Read more

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